Integrated management system (IMS, ISM, ISŘ, IS)

For customers who have implemented several management systems (QMS, EMS, OSH or some others), we offer simultaneous combined auditing of all assessed systems.
The so-called integrated audit is performed for customers who have connected all partial system approaches to a single control system.

Benefits of combined or integrated audits:

  • it saves the customer time and costs
  • it raises the awareness of the employees of the audited organization about a single functional management system;
  • it increases the organization's employees and management's self-confidence about the maturity of their management system;
  • certificate stating the standards of all certified systems.

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Contact person

Ing. Dagmar Konstankiewiczová

+420 724 304 539
+420 286 019 404
Head of Department of Management Systems Certification, Head of Certification Body 3001, Head of Verification Body 3179, Product Manager of CQS, Lead auditor of Management Systems
management systems certification, verification of greenhouse gas emissions, certification of qualification of construction contractors, certification of ETICS implementators, certification of companies' competence according to ČSN 74 6077
Department of Management Systems Certification