Research and development activities
The Department of Research, Development and Innovation (VVI) started its activities in February 2005. The first task was to monitor European standardization and research programs and involve TZUS Prague s. p. in them, the second to actively participate in innovations of construction products and technologies and design appropriate testing procedures, assessment of suitability for the intended use of construction products and assemblies and evaluation of their properties with regard to meeting the basic requirements for constructions. Independently or in cooperation with RDI organizations, the demanding tasks of scientific and applied research and development have gradually begun to be solved.
Six European projects have been submitted since 2006, of which the Solar Transfer project, the EracoBuild project and the Geocluster project have been completed till this day. The VVI department is active in the European research area - recently the management of CCTP (Czech Construction Technology Platform) has been contributing to activities within ECTP and E2BA as NLP for the Czech Republic for a long time, it was active in EurekaBuild I and EurekaBuild II, including international workshops and Brokerage Events in the Czech Republic, it developed direct international cooperation (BTI Linz, IMBIGS Warszawa), etc. Extension of these activities to other departments of TZUS Prague in wider involvement of employees of other branches and sections VVI activities is further developed, e.g. within CZGBC, SBA, etc. Care is always taken of the complex effect and satisfaction of specific clients, for whom the institute is thus able to provide outputs from the complete chain of science - research - development - innovation - use up to the relevant certificates or national or European technical authorizations.
An important activity has been developed by the VVI department in the field of masonry and mixed structures: it has long been the leading workplace in the Czech Republic, it manages the Technical Standardization Centre, it holds the presidency of TNK 37 and it represents the Czech Republic in CEN / TC 125, CEN / TC 250 / SC 6 and SC8, as well as in numerous WG working groups (8) and in direct connection with the activities in AGNB SG 10. The director of VVI has long been active at CTU in Prague, TU in Brno and TU in Ostrava in commissions for awarding doctorates, he has honorary membership and awards for contribution to the development of the field in associations of producers, in technical standardization, etc. Practically all modern masonry technologies have undergone in the last ten years through tests and their evaluation through this workplace to construction practice.
Since 2006, a number of large innovative projects for 7 major companies in the field have been solved: Pichler Wells (AT), Wienerberger CP a.s., Tondach s.r.o., LIAS Vintířov k. S., HELUZ s.r.o., XELLA ČR and H + H ČR. Other innovative projects are currently underway or in preparation. Among the solved projects of European significance we can mention at least modern technologies of masonry on PUR foam, complex development of new cross-sections of masonry elements with integrated insulation, preparation and implementation of Eurocode 6, including the National Annex, significant tests of masonry walls and objects on seismicity effects again brought to the National Annex to Eurocode 8, solving the issue of fire resistance of modern masonry technologies, etc. Involvement in national and European pre-normative and co-normative research is still fully ensured in selected fields.
In addition to the field of masonry and mixed structures, in connection with previous active work in WGs EOTA, consulting activities in the field of designing and certifying the properties of perimeter cladding and building systems (ETICS, External thermal insulation aerated claddings, Vetures, Curtain walls, etc.) are significantly developed, incl. its load-bearing substructures.
The international connection of employees of TZUS Prague, s. p. in the field of VVI is also evidenced by a collective or individual membership in numerous national and international organizations such as ENBRI, RILEM, CIB, IABSE, IMS.