Membership in professional organizations

Membership in international and national organizations is important primarily as a source of quality information, the image of TZÚS Prague, as an institution with a high professional reputation and, last but not least, in terms of quality information of our customers. Membership in individual organizations brings mainly current professional information, which is then passed on to customers through the employees of TZÚS Prague Participation in selected international meetings, where TZÚS Prague, was appointed a spokesperson representing the interests of the Czech Republic, is partially supported through the Testing Development Program of the Office for Technical Standardization, Metrology and State Testing (ÚNMZ).

List of organizations of which TZÚS Prague is a member:

ZkratkaCelý název

Association of accredited and authorized organizations

AEA-ESAssociation of Energy Auditors - Energy Specialists, z.s.

Association of Acoustics of the Czech Construction Industry

HK ČRCzech Chamber of Commerce
CQSCQS, z.s.
CZGBCCzech Council for Green Buildings
ČBSCzech Concrete Company
ČKSČeské kalibrační sdružení, z.s.
ČKLOPCzech Chamber of curtain walling 
CSQCzech Society for Quality
 National platform SBToolCZ
 ICC National Committee in the Czech Republic
 Expert council for BIM

Association of testing laboratories for construction


Association of certification bodies for products

 Czech Ceramic Society 
ČTP PLASTYCzech technological platform PLASTY


ZkratkaCelý název
EOTAEuropean Organisation for Technical Assessment
 EOTA PT12 (BWR 7 - 7 základní požadavek)
IABSEInternational Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering
 EUROLAB aislbl
GNBCPRGroup of Notified Bodies for Construction Products Regulation
LCC LCAPracovní skupiny EK pro sledování nákladů na životní cyklus staveb a dopadů na životní prostředí u veřejných zakázek
UEAtcUnion Européenne pour l'Agrément technique dans la construction