Certification according to ČSN 74 6077

Nowadays, when great emphasis is placed on the quality not only of products, but also on the quality of work performed, TZÚS Praha, s.p., offers a unique service, certifying professional competence to design and install windows and external doors in the building according to ČSN 74 6077. This standard is based on the fact that only quality windows as a product do not guarantee that they will meet all the declared properties, while the general recommendations also apply to roof windows. Without quality installation, the window loses its properties and the investment in replacing windows becomes unnecessary.
Holder of this certificate of professional competence:
  • demonstrates that windows and doors will be designed and installed with regard to construction, use and type,
  • is under the control of the quality of work - audits conducted by TZÚS Praha, s.p., are performed directly on construction sites,
  • demonstrates that it strives for maximum customer satisfaction.
The condition for obtaining the certificate is that the organization:
  • has an established and functional quality management system according to ČSN EN ISO 9001: 2016,
  • has introduced the requirements of ČSN 74 6077 into implementation processes,
  • applies the requirements of ČSN 74 6077 in practice

List of certificate holders according to standard ČSN 74 6077. 

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