The transfer of an accredited certification is a procedure within the accreditation rules that allows an already certified organization to transfer to another certification body without disrupting the existing procedure within the certification cycle.
The reasons for transferring accredited certification are various, in particular the following:
- Gaining a different perspective on your management system by qualified auditors with outputs for improvement, but also on the risks of your management system.
- negative experience with the services of the original certification body,
- disproportionately high costs,
- unsatisfactory way of conducting and performing audits, etc.
The transfer to the certification body takes place free of charge on the basis of the examination of the application and other necessary information, a contract on control activities is concluded and subsequently a certificate is issued with the same validity as the current certificate.
An exception is the case where the transfer of accredited certification is carried out within the recertification audit, then the certificate is issued for a period of 3 years.
Request for transfer of an accredited certificate.