Qualifications of construction contractors

Act No. 134/2016 Coll., on the award of public contracts, defines the system of certified suppliers (SCSD) for all types of public contracts. The aim of certification is to ensure that qualified suppliers are certified in accordance with the qualification requirements of this Act.

The administrator of the SCSD system is the Association of Entrepreneurs in Construction (SPS).

The certification body for the qualification of construction contractors (certification body no. 3140) is accredited by the Czech Institute for Accreditation, o.p.s., according to ČSN EN ISO / IEC 17065: 2013 and is recognized by the system administrator as professionally qualified and reliable for conducting qualification procedures in accordance with the requirements of the rules system.
The certification body for the qualification of construction contractors issues a certificate in accordance with the requirements of the document of the rules of the system of qualification of construction contractors PS 003: 1016 and the accreditation standard according to ČSN EN ISO / IEC 17065: 2013.

The rules of the system PS 001 - PS 007, established on the basis of § 233 - 240 of Act No. 134/2016 Coll., on the award of public contracts, and are available on the website www.sps.cz.

You can also find the application for certification (or the Qualification Questionnaire) at www.sps.cz.

Information on the certification scheme, including evaluation procedures, rules and procedures for granting, maintaining, extending and limiting the scope of certification, suspending, withdrawing or refusing certification, can be obtained from the contact below.

The list of certified organizations is available on the SPS website www.sps.cz.

We also provide information on the validity of the certificate at the contact below.


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