Corporate social responsibility (CSR) management system

Based on the requirements of the business community, the Quality Council of the Czech Republic prepared the National Program for Conformity Assessment of the CSR Management System. The standard is applicable to all types and sizes of business and public sector organizations. It respects the basic principles of accountability, voluntariness, interests and meeting the needs of stakeholders, transparency, ethical behavior, rules of international standards and conduct, human rights and mutually beneficial activities ("win-win" principle). The implementation of the requirements of this standard into the management system is one of the prerequisites for sustainable development.
Client needs:

  • be positively perceived by all parties and the public
  • gain a reputation and a strong market position
  • contribute to sustainable development
  • contribute to the overall improvement of society

Benefits and advantages:

  • differentiation from the competition - competitive advantage
  • higher certainty of long-term profit making
  • sustainable development
  • creating new job opportunities
  • strengthening credibility
  • improving the image of the organization
  • greater attractiveness for investors
  • strengthening customer and employee loyalty
  • attracting and retaining quality employees
  • direct savings associated with environmental protection
  • improving the relationship with the surroundings
  • strengthening corporate culture
  • opportunities for innovation

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Contact person

Ing. Dagmar Konstankiewiczová

+420 724 304 539
+420 286 019 404
Head of Department of Management Systems Certification, Head of Certification Body 3001, Head of Verification Body 3179, Product Manager of CQS, Lead auditor of Management Systems
management systems certification, verification of greenhouse gas emissions, certification of qualification of construction contractors, certification of ETICS implementators, certification of companies' competence according to ČSN 74 6077
Department of Management Systems Certification