Product certification

Product certification is a process of assessing conformity of a product with requirements of technical regulations and technical specifications. Technical and Test Institute for Construction Prague, SOE participates in this process as an independent entity.

We offer certification of both specified and non-specified products falling under the harmonized area. Specified products are products that may pose an increased threat to the legitimate interest and their list used to be a part of the government regulations related to Act No. 22/1997 Coll., On Technical Requirements for Products, as amended. Harmonized products are covered by European guidelines or European technical specifications. 

We certify specified and harmonized products to meet legal requirements on the basis of the decision of the Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing. Technical and Test Institute for Construction Prague, SOE, acts as Authorized Body 204 and Notified Body 1020 in accordance with the authorizations and notifications granted by the Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing. 

Furthermore, we offer voluntary certification for non-specified products; this certification can also be obtained for specified products upon application.



Contact person

Ing. Jozef Pôbiš

+420 734 432 075
+420 286 019 427
Head of Department
Product certification
Product Certification Department