Certified for construction in the Czech Republic
Technical and Test Institute for Construction Prague, SOE (TZÚS Prague), is involved in the joint program of members of the Association of Testing Laboratories for Construction (SZV) of voluntary certification of construction products and materials intended for the conditions of Czech constructions "Certified for construction".
The certification system for awarding the conformity mark "Certified for construction" is designed as a voluntary open certification system for construction products, within which the suitability of construction products in the sense of Act No. 183/2006 Coll., on Spatial Planning and Building CR Regulations and other technical regulations is assessed. The certification system is operated as a non-discriminatory system open to construction products regardless of their origin (Czech Republic, EU countries, third countries) and regardless of whether it is a specified or non-specified construction product.
The certification procedure and rules for the use and administration of the "Certified for Construction" mark are publicly available on the website of the Association of Testing Laboratories for Construction.
The "Certified for construction" mark is registered in the national program Czech Quality.
Certification bodies
Product certification is a process of confirming the conformity of the products with the requirements of the applicable technical regulation. Under Act No. 22/1997, as amended, voluntary certificates cannot be used to issue a declaration of conformity by the manufacturer.
Accredited certification body certifying products
TZÚS Prague is accredited by the Czech Institute for Accreditation, o.p.s., in accordance with the relevant articles of the standard CSN EN ISO / IEC 17065 "Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services" and managed as accredited CO No. 3015. The Accredited CO is authorized to perform assessments and issue certificates within the scope of the appendix to the valid Accreditation Certificate.
Non-accredited certification body for products
As part of certification, it is confirmed by an independent certification body that the product, in its properties and their corresponding levels, complies with the declaration of the manufacturer. Certificates are used to confirm the conformity of products with Czech or foreign technical standards, with corporate standards or with technical specifications which we will prepare for you based on your requirements. Certification is used mainly by manufacturers, importers or distributors for non-specified products and for products for which the participation of a notified body is not mandatory in the assessment under harmonized technical specifications.