Products placed on the Polish market

Ordinance of the Minister of Infrastructure and Construction of 17 November 2016 on the method of declaring the properties of construction products and the method of marking them with a construction mark (Coll. Acts, 1966, as amended) and their designation when placing them on the Polish market.

For each product group, the Regulation also provides an appropriate national system for the assessment and verification of constancy of performance. In the case of systems 1+, 1 and 2+, a certification body accredited by the Polish Accreditation Institute (hereinafter referred to as PCA) is also involved in the process. The basis for the declaration of performance is the national technical specification, which can be: Polish product standard or national technical assessment.

Technical and Testing Institute of Civil Engineering Prague, s.p. (hereinafter referred to as TZÚS) expanded its activities and included PCA accreditation in 2018, and as an accredited certification body for products number AC 207, it can perform activities arising from the national system. Thanks to this, we can now offer you services not only in the European system as a notified body 1020, but also in the Polish national system.


Product certification body

Accreditation of TZUS includes three groups of products according to Annex 1 of the Decree of the Minister of Infrastructure and Construction of 17 November 2016 on the method of declaring the properties of construction products and the method of marking them with a construction mark (Collection of Laws, 1966, as amended):

  • prefabricated products made of ordinary, lightweight concrete and aerated concrete
  • hydraulically bound mixtures
  • concrete

The detailed scope of accreditation can be found below and on the PCA website.

The regulations specify that for the specific use of these products, it is necessary to assess and verify the stability of the properties in accordance with the national system 2+. In this case, in addition to the manufacturer, a PCA-accredited certification body is also involved in the assessment process, whose tasks are:

  • Performing an initial inspection of the production plant and the production management system
  • Issuance of a national certificate of conformity of the production control system
  • Continuous surveillance, assessment and evaluation of the production control system.

Thanks to the accreditation we have obtained, we are able to carry out these activities, thus completing the assessment and verification activities for the certification body resulting from the 2+ system. Below you will find a detailed certification program with a list of national technical specifications.

The certificate of the concrete production management system for placing on the Polish market under the heading of the certification body AC 207 can also be obtained by border Czech producers of the mentioned products who would like to supply their product to Polish customers.

Contact person

Ing. Jozef Pôbiš

+420 734 432 075
+420 286 019 427
Head of Department
Product certification
Product Certification Department