Determination of thermal conductivity at high temperatures (50-1200 °C)

For assessing thermal conductivity of materials and products in a wide range of temperatures (lambda dependence on temperature), we perform tests on unique test equipment according to the following standards.
Tests designed especially for shaped thermal insulation products can be performed in the range from 50 °C to 1200 °C according to following standards:
  • ČSN EN 993-14:1996 Zkušební metody pro žárovzdorné výrobky tvarové hutné - Část 14: Stanovení tepelné vodivosti metodou topného drátu (křížové uspořádání) - (Methods of testing for dense shaped refractory products - Part 14: Determination of thermal conductivity by the hot-wire (cross-array) method)
  • ČSN EN 993-15:1999 Zkušební metody pro žárovzdorné výrobky tvarové hutné - Část 15: Stanovení tepelné vodivosti metodou topného drátu (paralelní uspořádání) - (Methods of test for dense shaped refractory products - Part 15: Determination of thermal conductivity by the hot-wire (parallel) method)




Contact person

Ing. Alexander Trinner

+420 602 185 785
+420 382 337 331
Testing and Assessment Specialist of building ceramics
LCA studies - products, buildings; Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)
Plzeň Branch