
In the Branches section you can find an overview of special services, address, map and contact persons of each branch. Choose a branch nearby and contact us by phone, e-mail or via the contact form.

The Branches of TZÚS Praha, s.p., provide services in all principal areas of the company's offer, such as product certification, certification of management systems, certification of buildings, testing of materials, elements and structures, building inspections, metrology and other services. All services are provided directly at the branch or are coordinated with other branches or sections of TZÚS Praha, s.p., in the Czech Republic.

The Branches are located in important centers of major regions of the Czech Republic (Brno, České Budějovice, Ostrava, Pilsen, Prague, Předměřice nad Labem and Teplice; the ZÚLP branch is based in České Budějovice) and all offer principal company services as standard, but due to the location or more efficient use of especially testing capacities, are subject to a certain degree of specialization and provide services unique in the portfolio of TZÚS Praha, s.p., or even in the offer of competing companies in the Czech Republic.